Gender inequality. Vulnerability. Consent. No doubt, these can be tough subjects to broach with our sons. But if we hope to raise our boys to be respectful, emotionally healthy men, then these are conversations which must be had. Adam explores these themes and more with father of six and Chief Development Officer of A CALL TO MEN, Ted Bunch. Plus, Marc has yet another awkward, dairy-themed encounter with his kids. 

As life in quarantine continues, Adam and Marc dig in on the topic of talking to boys about valuing women as equals. This sparks a deeper exploration of how, among themselves, men talk about and ally with women—and how these things have evolved over time. Adam introduces guest Ted Bunch, father of six and chief development officer of A CALL TO MEN, an organization devoted to promoting healthy and respectful manhood and shifting attitudes and behaviors toward women. Adam and Ted cover many topics, including:

•  Defining the “Man Box”
•  The “collective socialization” of men
•  Calling men out using affirmation instead of accusation
•  Encouraging young men to be vulnerable
•  What “consent” really means
•  Techniques for having the “birds and the bees” talk with your son
•  Modeling gender equality, and respectful and loving behavior with your spouse
•  Raising your son to be his authentic self

Also, Marc asks himself (twice), “Did I Just Say That Out Loud?" The guys promote an upcoming episode on the topic of “dad jokes” and invite listeners to leave their best dad joke in the Modern Dadhood voicemail box at 603-431-5465 for a chance to win a prize from Brümate!

Happy Mother’s Day, Moms!


ACTM Virtual Trainings
Ted Bunch on Instagram
A Mighty Girl
Caspar Babypants
Red Vault Audio
Spencer Albee
Bubby Lewis