Take a moment to think back across your life. Do you have certain experiences that have always resonated with you, whether significant or unremarkable? Commercial director, editor, show runner, and author Michael Addis has spent years documenting his favorite life stories, and he joins the Modern Dadhood conversation to share about his new book Who’s Your Daddy?: Bedtime Stories I Tell My Kids, But Maybe Shouldn’t. Mike shares some wisdom about honesty and the value of being open and direct with our kids about complex issues, dealing with life’s pitfalls, and questioning the narrative. Also, the the long-awaited return of the super smash hit segment Confessions.

Modern Dadhood Episode 21 opens with a few shout-outs to some listeners we love, before Marc and Adam swap humorous stories about their kids’ bedtime routines which sometimes include baths, books, and inventing songs on the spot. Adam introduces a routine called “Switcheroo,” and promptly fails to  explain what it actually means. The guys introduce guest Michael Addis, father of two sons, a commercial director, editor, and showrunner, by day, and an author by night. Michael’s new book, “Who’s Your Daddy?: Bedtime Stories I Tell My Kids, But Maybe Shouldn’t,” documents many stories from his life which he has shared with his two sons, in hopes that they would find valuable and applicable lessons from his experiences. The conversation centers around the value of being honest  with your children and yourself, and not being afraid to share your life’s adventures (and misadventures) with them. Topics include:

•  Using your experiences to make your kids better people
•  Teaching your children to question the narrative and to lack certainty
•  Demonstrating that dad is capable of making mistakes (and being an idiot!)
•  The value of honesty
•  The danger of dishonesty

The guys close out the episode with another round of “Confessions” where Adam reveals a secret celebrity crush, and Marc brags about another podcast that he was invited onto.

[Episode Transcript]

Who's Your Daddy?: Bedtime Stories I Tell My Kids, But Maybe Shouldn't
Michael Addis: Showrunner & Director
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