I stumbled into podcasting like most everything else- accidentally!  Even with years of FM Radio under my belt, I was still behind the tech curve of Podcasting.  Thank goodness for my Mentor, Dave Jackson! I found Dave while searching for content from Kenn Blanchard (future show guest and brother from another mother).  Seems there are …

The post Dave Jackson, Living Jesus at Work and Play appeared first on Modern Christian Men.

I stumbled into podcasting like most everything else- accidentally!  Even with years of FM Radio under my belt, I was still behind the tech curve of Podcasting.  Thank goodness for my Mentor, Dave Jackson!

I found Dave while searching for content from Kenn Blanchard (future show guest and brother from another mother).  Seems there are actually people out there that are interested in helping you begin and grow your podcast-the Right Way!

Over the last few years Dave has become not only a Podcasting Mentor-but a Great Friend.  One of the most humble and transparent guys I know, Dave is a natural teacher and leader.

Join us as we chat about Living our Faith, intentionally.  Not necessarily preaching the corner, but bringing Jesus into every aspect of our personal and public lives.

You can learn more about Dave Jackson at The School of Podcasting

The post Dave Jackson, Living Jesus at Work and Play appeared first on Modern Christian Men.