I met Aaron Lindsey at Podfest a few months ago in Florida and I knew right off he’d be a future guest on my show!  It wasn’t till a few weeks ago that we chatted about his story (you know we all have one) and I was convinced you needed to hear about his family’s …

The post Aaron Lindsey: The Fireproof Movie in Real-Life! appeared first on Modern Christian Men.

I met Aaron Lindsey at Podfest a few months ago in Florida and I knew right off he’d be a future guest on my show!  It wasn’t till a few weeks ago that we chatted about his story (you know we all have one) and I was convinced you needed to hear about his family’s journey of broken discontent to re-ignited bliss.

Marriage is hard on it’s on; adding ‘Us’ into the mix further complicates ‘things’ and if we’re not careful-it can unravel right under our noses.  How does a married couple, together for 20 years, completely fall apart?  Better yet-How do they reconcile?  Listen to this episode to hear Aaron & Lori’s amazing story of redemption and restoration!

Thanks for listening and sharing!


Fireproof-the film

Kendrick Brothers

Nickleback Covers ZZTop “SDM”

Every Man’s Marriage – Stephen Arterburn **Aarons must read

Every Man’s Battle -Stephen Arterburn

The 5 Love Languages – Gary Chapman

For Men Only – Shaunti & Jeff Feldhahn **Cale’s must read

Weird News Podcast

Aaron on Twitter @reojames



*please excuse the Skype noise


The post Aaron Lindsey: The Fireproof Movie in Real-Life! appeared first on Modern Christian Men.

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