With over twenty years’ experience in Human Resource Management, Nick Veiga has been HR director of automotive giant Renault for over a decade. Nick has been based in Wuhan since 2016 where he has overseen Renault’s forty assignees and their families while also managing those based in Beijing. Since 2013, the same year Maxxelli handled Renault’s first wave of inbound assignees to Wuhan and Beijing, Renault began its joint venture with Dongfeng Motor Group, which now comprises most work of the assignees Nick overseers.  

In this interview Nick gives us an exclusive look at a comprehensive range of issues facing HR departments as they handle inbound assignees. He reveals the overriding priority of expat families on education and how he has managed to ensure quality and choice in a Tier 2 city, including the implementation of his hybrid language programme. He and Adam also discuss the empathy required of those involved with mobility and the importance of cultural training programmes, of which Nick is a great advocate. He closes with an insightful examination of the qualities he looks for in a partnership with a destination service provider – and shares his thoughts on the industry adage ‘no news is good news’!