With well over a decade of experience in the mobility industry, Sei Ishikawa first joined The We Company in 2016 and has since grown its global mobility division from a one-man team to an entire department, responsible for the movement of nearly 700 employees. The We Company’s spectacular growth in the decade since its founding – as of mid-2019, over 500 WeWork locations in 28 separate countries – has rapidly expanded the need for a specialized, expert mobility team. 


Sei tells us more on how he was able to manage his mobility programme to keep apace of the company’s extraordinary growth. Revealing the various policy changes the mobility programme’s growth required, Sei tells us of the flexibility and innovation both the company and his team have had to bring to the job. He also speaks in-depth on empathy and how he is able to ensure the best service for employees – from minimizing points of contact to encouraging the recruitment of mobility experts who have experienced relocation themselves. He closes this insightful and reflective interview with thoughts on individualizing packages for different employees and the various factors to keep in mind when transferring them.