Forsooth, the Cartridge Blowers are playing MEDIEVAL games! Squire Matthew's soul shall beat the most vicious of babies in Hollow Knight! Sir Cody's game is a slow crawl towards boredom in King Arthur's World! And Lady Nicole must take on the greatest challenge of all: early 90s PC games in Get Medieval! All this and the best games of the year 2017.

Show Notes :

Hosts This Week




Games Played

Theme : Medieval Games

Matt : HollowKnight (PC) (Intro: 00:36:51) (Gameplay: 00:37:29)

Cody : King Arthur's World (SNES) (Intro: 00:50:20) (Gameplay: 00:51:27)
Nikki : Get Medieval (PC) (Intro: 01:02:31) (Gameplay: 01:03:37)

Running time: 01:15:26
Part of the Ydoc Nameloc Interactive Network