Let's discuss the 2nd amendment. Today will be our thoughts on what it is, our opinions on the subject, and some current events going on. We've also attached a link to the recent Texas church shooting. to show the dangers that can happen at any time and to show what a gun can do in a good person's hands. Although any loss of life taken needlessly like this is always horrible, good people with a gun like Jack Wilson will always step up to do what's right. Thank you sir for saving so many lives.

Please be advised that this video is violent and graphic. Viewer discretion is advised. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5g5DphVkIDM

Don't forget to show your support to our brothers and sisters in Virginia as well as any supporter of our great country. God bless the USA.

Let us know if we missed anything or want to add to what we said in the comments. Also, let us know what you want us to talk about in the future. Please leave a comment, like, share, subscribe.

See the video version of this podcast on our youtube page: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPfZcQTBIksc_4AoPX81f2g?view_as=subscriber


Twitter: MMEE@MMEE98921841


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