Who is Jason Brown?

This is Jason Brown’s second time on MLM Nation. He first appeared 3 years ago on episode 376 where he talked on Why You Should Focus On Duplicating And Not Just Recruiting.

Jason Brown struggled for 2 years in network marketing.  He invested in personal development, attended events and worked extremely hard but had nothing to show for it.

The only results he had was being $70k in debt and having to move back to his parent’s home. He worked 7 days a week delivery fast food and pizza to survive financially.

Jason eventually had his massive breakthrough and today is 30 years old, owns multiple businesses and approaching almost 8 figures a year in network marketing.  He has traveled and built teams in over 42 countries.

Jason is also one of the featured speakers at the upcoming Top Summit.

Favorite Quote

Anything from the Bible

Must Read Book

Emotional Intelligence 2.0 by Daniel Coleman

Recommended Event

The Top Summit

Recommended Prospecting Tool

Online Video and YOU

Recommended Online App


Holy Bible App

Contact Info

Jason Brown on Facebook