If you speak from your heart and come from a place of passion, and you are real with people, people sense that. Dacrie Brooks shows us that you can build a successful business that can change your life by simply talking to people, sharing your passion, and coming from a place of help. Also, she shares how to overcome fear of prospecting by shifting the focus from yourself to helping one person at a time.

Who is  Dacrie Brooks?
Dacrie Brooks is a mom with 3 kids and was completely burnt out physically, emotionally, and financially. She felt she had lost herself. Dacrie didn’t know where to start but she knew she needed to make a change and was ready for it.

In 2011, Dacrie got started on her company’s products and lost 15 pounds, 14.5 inches in 24 days.  Dacrie was also able to finally kick her soda habit and establish a consistent exercise and healthy eating regimen. One year later, she lost more than 100 pounds. Since then, Dacrie has used her story to empower others and build a successful team.

Favorite Quote
We don’t grind, we don’t eat.
Must Read Book
Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis
The Approval Fix by Joyce Meyer
Recommended Online App
Recommended Prospecting Tool
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Show Ambassador
Dabbie Barnes
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