Being coachable is everything. Mette Brandt Frederiksen shows us that you can’t be the type of person that wants to create their own way to do this business. Also, keep it simple so people understand the message.

Who is Mette Brandt Frederiksen?
Mette Brandt Frederiksen lives in Copenhagen, Denmark and got started in network marketing when she was only 19 years old. Her cousin and her current boyfriend presented the business to her and she joined immediately.

Today, 5 years later, Mette and her boyfriend have achieved the highest rank in their company, are multiple 6 figure earners and also part of the company’s advisory board.

Their business is primarily in Denmark and Poland but they have huge plans for international expansion in the upcoming years.

Favorite Quote
“Playing small doesn’t serve the world”
Must Read Book
Go Pro by Eric Worre

Recommended Online App
Think Up App
Primed Mind App
Recommended Prospecting Tool
3 Way Call
Contact Info
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