Real happiness lies in helping bring happiness to others. Kenny Lloyd shows us that when you focus on helping people and on doing the right thing, the money will come in abundantly. Also, if you are building a business based on recruiting, you’re going to work for the rest of your life.

Who is Kenny E. Lloyd?
Kenny Lloyd is a top earner and rumored to be the top earning African American leader in the entire network marketing profession.

He first appeared on MLM Nation on episode 412 and we wanted to bring him back a second time around to talk about the state of the network marketing profession.

Listen to this episode as Kenny and Simon Chan talk about the trends and also the good and “bad” about MLM.

Must Read Book
Your First Year in Network Marketing by Mark Yarnell and Rene Reid Yarnell

Recommended Resource
Episode 412 - Kenny E. Lloyd
Contact Info
[email protected]
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