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Who is Christy Dreilling?

Christy Dreilling has won beauty pageants and held the title of Miss. Junior Kansas America, Miss Kansas Teen USA and Mrs. Kansas United States and competed at the national competition.

She later became a model and actress for 20 years and has been featured on Teen Magazine, Swimsuit Illustrated and dozens of commercials.

Christy later worked as a fashion photographer for 5 years shooting over 1500 models before starting her network marketing business.

Christy has spent 14 years in the Network Marketing Profession. She was promoted to the top leadership position after only one year in business. Currently she is ranked as a top 11 income earner in her company and has yearly team sales that ranges from 35-40 million a year in sales.

Christy has an organization of more than 117,000 customers, preferred customers and consultants in her downline. Christy reached the top 1% of income earners in her industry before the age of 30.

She has won almost every award that her company has given out and also has earned numerous incentives trips that has allowed her two travel around the world; from Africa to Hawaii.

and so much more.

Christy has also written 3 books and her story is currently being scripted into a Hollywood movie!

Christy is also proud to be happily married for over 20 years and has raised 4 children.