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Who is Arin Fugate?

Arin Fugate grew up on a 180 acre ranch in Southern Oregon and was home schooled. At 24 years old, she left for Los Angeles to pursue a career in film. She eventually ended up starting a booking agency for DJs but soon got tired of it because she felt she wasn’t making an impact in the world by just partying. Arin was also broke and living paycheck to paycheck and got so burnt out that she quit everything and moved to Santa Barbara to be with her mom.

It was during this tough time that Arin discovered network marketing. Even though she didn’t have much upline support and was on government financial assistance, Arin consumed personal development and learned what it took to be successful.

Today, Arin is a Blue Diamond leader and a 6 figure earner. What drives Arin today is her goal to inspire the youth to go after their dreams and help them understand that if they set their mind to something, they can achieve it.