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Who is Kelly Bangert?

Kelly Bangert came from humble beginnings but always had big dreams and willing to work hard to make them come true.

And I know Kelly works hard because all successful people wake up early (a great example is how Donald Trump always started his day at 5am) so when I asked Kelly what was the best time to do this interview for MLM NATION, Kelly said 5am! So yup, we did this interview at 5 a.m. in the morning!

Kelly has a really inspiring journey and I’m going to let him share his entire story because it’s very motivating but just to give you a short background, Kelly grew up very poor and was raised by a single mom. As a kid his family lived off welfare and food stamps.

He never did well in school, became a police officer… and then got into a few different businesses that did well. However a bearish economy changed all that when he almost went bust!

Thankfully... Kelly was accidentally introduced to MLM thanks to a very persistent friend that kept on asking him to meet so he could talk about this amazing business called network marketing.

Before you know it, Kelly got involved in MLM and within only 5 months, he was earning over $70,000 a month!

Recently Kelly had decided to pursue a second MLM venture and again, he has had amazing success. In just 13 months, he has reached the million dollar mark already.