Article 92 (P2): Proof for Infallibility of Imams
Article 93: The 12 Imams/Khalifahs in Hadiths
Article 94: Love of AhlulBayt Unanimously Accepted
Article 95: The Final Savior: A Unanimously Accepted Doctrine
Article 96: The Different Hadiths on the Final Savior
Article 97: Two Types of Chosen Ones of God: Known and Unknown
Article 98: Accessibility of the 12th Imam's Representatives
Article 99: Reasons for Occultation of 12th Imam
Article 100: Inaccessibility of the 12th Imam is the Fault of the People
Article 101: The Long Life of the 12th Imam
Article 102: No One Knows When the Reappearance Will Take Place