Featuring: BliSs, Mrs. BliSs, Coko, Cross Movement, Viktory, Mali Music, Mizz Reality, F1 Diamond, Flame and More!


If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 1 Corinthians 13:1

This week's episode deals with love. We must first realize what Love is before we can show Love to others and if you do not know Jesus, then you really don't know what Love is.

You know, sometimes I think it gets pushed to the back of our minds what Christ did for us. We hear that he died on the cross so much that our soulish natures can eventually let it be cli che.. Well lets o a modern day parable..

Say you and your homie or homegirl were bouncing to your iPods listening to the Mixtape Ministry Mixshow :) .. You guys came to an intersection and  being a bit absent minded, you began to cross the street without looking.

Your friend who's paying more attention sees a big semi coming and hollers out to you but your don't hear.. as the semi bears down on you, they run up from behind, snatching you out the way and takes the hit.  They Loved you so much that they accepted death in place of you.



Thank you for listening.

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