Jared & 'The Real Heel' Chris Slye break down the most recent PPV from the Triple H regime, 'Survivor Series'! They give their honest take on the landscape and storylines moving forward from the very first inception that includes 'WAR GAMES'!
The guys also go over some lists! They love lists! Who doesn't love lists?! It brings up some awesome teams from the past PPVs as well!
The boys also talk about deez... DEEEZ NUUUTS! 

Keith's nuts, mostly. They're not roasting on an open fire, but they were roasting a few years back and damn near caused an international incident! Hear that story during the podcast, AND know that you don't have to suffer the same way! Get 20% OFF @manscaped + Free Shipping with promo code TAG at MANSCAPED.com! #ad #manscapedpod