This weekend is the preparation week for our fall Growth Campaign that begins next weekend. Next Weekend is Kickoff Weekend where we will lay out the growth plan for this fall. We do a growth campaign every fall so we can grow in a specific area, all together as an entire church. This fall the Growth Campaign is called "PERFECT LOVE". We need to experience the power of perfect love in our lives. The Bible tells us that God is Love and so knowing Him is the only way we can experience PERFECT LOVE in our lives. Perfect Love drives out fear and transforms us into the people God created us to be.

This weekend we will be examining Ephesians 2:8-10. In these verses we discover how to have a relationship with God and what that relationship is intended to do in us. Verse 10 tells us that we are God's MASTERPIECE, the greek word translated masterpiece is POIEMA which is where we get our English word Poem from. You are a work of God and from the moment you were knit together in your mothers womb, God has been shaping you. I want you to discover who you are and then begin to discover the beauty God intended for you to add to this world. You are a one of a kind POIEMA, specifically formed to add beauty and goodness to this world. You can only fully understand that beauty and goodness by experiencing the power of the perfect love of God.

Join us this weekend as we get ready to grow through our Fall Growth Campaign called PERFECT LOVE.

For Scripture, notes, upcoming events, & more: