This weekend is our service at the fair and at this service we will conclude our series in the book of Daniel. This is the Grand Finale for our series and it centers around what happens to Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego after they refuse to bow down and worship the gold statue erected by Nebuchadnezzer on the plain of Dura. The hero's of our story face the consequences for remaining faithful to God. Due to their love for God and devotion to Him, they would not and could not bow down to the statue of gold. Because they would not bow, the King throws them in a furnace of fire. What happens next you won't want to miss.

The truth is that we are all asked to trust God with our lives, with our souls. The God of the Universe tells us that without His help we are destined to burn in judgement for all eternity. He tells us that if we will trust Him and what He has done for us that we can be saved from the fires of Hell.

Join us this weekend and bring a friend with you. We will take communion together, support one of our people as they get baptized and we will be challenged to place our faith in the only God who can save us. I hope to see you at the Scottsbluff county fair grounds on Sunday at 11am.

For Scripture, notes, upcoming events,& more: