This weekend we conclude our series in the Book of Judges. We will look at a time when the nation of Israel reached her height of rebellion against God. They worshiped all of the gods of the peoples around them. Pursuing them and worshiping them. God again allows them to be persecuted by these peoples who probably disrespected them more for leaving their own God to worship theirs. God gets so fed up with their idolatry that He says He will not save them but leave them to the gods they so desperately want to follow. In the end God raises up another Judge by the name of Jephthah who becomes the one to lead the nation of Israel to victory over the Ammonites who have been oppressing them. The worship of others gods has its cost and in this case creates a lasting mark on the people of God. Join us this weekend as we are reminded that God creates restrictions only to protect us and to keep us from the destruction our enemy wants to bring into our lives. The God of the Bible loves and protects us because He created us. He wants only to give us real life that can only be found in Him.

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