This weekend we continue our fall campaign called PERFECT LOVE. In this series we are working our way through the letter in the Bible called 1 John. Written by the Apostle/Evangelist John this letter is a word to Disciples of Jesus in his day. The letter is full of encouragement for them to stay true to Jesus and follow him faithfully until he returns. This weekend is the third message in this series and we will focus on 1 John 2:15-27.

This passage focuses on guarding your heart for God against forces that would pull you away from Fellowship with Him. We are in a spiritual battle and so we must be armored up against the forces that would pull our hearts away from God and steal our fellowship with Him.

Join us as we learn how to guard ourselves against what, in this world, will leave us empty, weak and disconnected from God.

For Scripture, notes, upcoming events, & more: