This series is about the lies the Devil tells us and the truth of God's word applied to those lies. So far in this series, we have exposed two of the lies of Satan. First, Your Physical Needs are More Important than Your Spiritual Needs. Second, If God Cared This Wouldn't Be Happening. This week we expose the lie of the Devil which is, Take The Fastest Track To Success. The Devil wants you to put your own success and ambition at the front of your priority list. He wants you to keep your ambitions and dreams at the center of your life. If you do this, you will be more open to taking the fastest track to see those dreams and desires come true. This tendency will leave you open and vulnerable to making compromises along the path to success. Jesus is going to teach us how to live in a way that will allow us to move towards the dreams God has given us, without losing who we are before God in the process. Don't miss this week as we continue exposing the lies the Devil tells us.

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