Previous Episode: 2. Worship
Next Episode: 4. Discipleship

This weekend we continue in our series called Equipping the Church. In this series we are focused on the Biblical purposes for the church. Why did Jesus start the church and what does he want us to accomplish? When the church forms, in the book of Acts, one thing that happens quickly is a community is formed. These new believers in Jesus start to spend time together and build relationships. This is called The Gathering and there is a strategy and a purpose to it.

In Acts 2:41 there are about 3000 adults who respond to Peter's message regarding Jesus. The following verse tells us what they began to do together. They devoted themselves to four things that make up Biblical Fellowship among believers. The Apostles teaching, Fellowship, Eating together, and prayer. Join us this weekend as we focus on the essential component of Fellowship to our church family.

For Scripture, notes, upcoming events, & more: