This weekend we continue in our Christmas series called "Through Their Eyes". In this series we are looking at the coming of Jesus through the eyes of different characters who lived the story. This week we will try to gain the perspective of the Wise Men who came from the East to see Jesus. Likely with information handed down from Daniel over 500 years before them, they were watching and waiting with anticipation for the arrival of this divine leader. Because they were watching, they saw his star in the sky and quickly set out to find him and Worship Him.

This response by gentile Astrologer/Priests is profound. Though Jesus is a King to the Jews these leaders travel far to see him, and they come to Worship! This should be our response as well. Jesus came to the Jewish people but as Matthew's gospel tells us at the end, his salvation is available to all the world. Will you come and worship him with us this weekend? Will you come with anticipation and expectation looking for the Messiah longing to worship him?

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