This weekend is the first week of our series called PERFECT LOVE. We will be learning from 1 John 1 the type of connection we can have with God through Jesus. John, who was one of the twelve disciples, actually knew Jesus. He lived with him for three years and in that time his life was transformed. He continued to follow him through the Holy Spirit's presence in his life even after Jesus returned to Heaven. This personal connection we can have with God through Jesus is available but in order to experience it we must choose to be close to God.

John tells us that the choice to be close to God requires that we get honest and transparent with who we are before God. We must acknowledge our sin and our need for forgiveness and spiritual cleansing. This will lead to having our spirits brought to life by Jesus. If you are to be close to God you must walk into the light and remain in the light, that is the transparent truth of God's word.

Join us this weekend as we desire to Experience the power of perfect love by choosing to be close to God.

For Scripture, notes, upcoming events, & more: