Previous Episode: 5. Divided: Work Together
Next Episode: 2. Habits: The Bible

This weekend we begin a new series called HABITS. In keeping with our focus this year which is, BE THE CHURCH, we will examine the habits that will give us the power to fulfill this mission. We are called to do the work of God on this earth. God expects great things of us as we live this life in Him.

Trusting in Jesus for salvation is to join His ministry team here on earth. In this series we will look at the resources Jesus had to complete His mission here on earth. Jesus said we would do the same work He did as we follow Him. We must experience a transformation of focus and life in order to live for His purposes. We will work to develop the use of the resources Jesus had and that we have as well.

This first weekend we learn that Jesus had the Holy Spirit's power to do His work. We have the Holy Spirit in our lives as well and we must develop the habit of living by His power. Without living by the power of the Spirit we will fail at being able to do God's work.

Join us this weekend as we learn how to focus on the Holy Spirit in our lives so that we can fulfill God's plans and purposes for our lives.

For Scripture, notes, upcoming events, & more: