Ryan Leaf – Analyst, ESPN & Former NFL Player


Seth Moulton – Congressman, United States House of Representatives


Corbin Petro – CEO & Co-Founder, Eleanor Health


Stephanie Wittels Wachs (Moderator) – Chief Creative Officer & Co-Founder, Lemonada Media


Addiction is now the leading cause of death in America for those under 50. The opioid epidemic has touched all facets of society over the past two decades, with the sports world at greater risk due to heightened exposure to prescription painkillers. This recent public health crisis has broadened the discourse to explore the underlying mental health issues regarding substance abuse and addiction in general, while acknowledging how pervasive addiction is across all walks of life. This panel will shed more visibility into the prevalence of substance abuse and the lessons sports can learn from other industries, data analytics, and public policy leaders.