Dominic Moore - Former NHL Player


Sunny Mehta - Former NHL Executive


Andrew Thomas - Director of Data Science, SportsMEDIA Technology Corp.


Alison Lukan - Writer, The Athletic


Michael Mauboussin (Moderator) - Head of Consilient Research, Counterpoint Global


The use of analytics to support important decision-making in the NHL has increased significantly over the past few years, but the real revolution is still to come. With the addition of player tracking technology in the near future, teams will have access to far more information than ever before. This panel aims to tackle the key questions NHL teams will need to address to be successful in this rapidly changing environment. How must teams adapt their front office organizations to handle this influx of data effectively? Which widely accepted conventional hockey wisdoms could end up being disproved in the future? Will the introduction of player-tracking information lead to the same degree of stylistic changes in hockey, as seen recently in the NBA and MLB?