Rich Gotham – Team President, Boston Celtics


Rob King – SVP of Original Content, ESPN


Jessica Gelman – CEO, Kraft Analytics Group


Jason Robins – CEO & Co-Founder, DraftKings


Alison Overholt (Moderator) – VP of Storytelling & Special Projects, ESPN


In our first “Fanalytics” panel in 2013, we speculated the ways to collect and use data to improve the fan experience. Back then, we discussed opens and clicks, but now the nuances are much deeper. What has changed? Today customer insights are gained throughout the fan lifecycle and are informing improvements to the end product and customer experience. Learn how industry leaders such as Amazon, ESPN, DraftKings, and the many organizations KAGR works with are striving to better understand fan needs. Listen to business leaders across the sports landscape discuss how organizations are quantifying fan behavior, better understanding customers, and approaching the future.