At the Venture ball, Vin and Sazed notice something unusual. They soon find out that this is the last house ball for a while, and that the partygoers are finalizing alliances; . Vin and Elend speak briefly, wherein he ends their relationship. Kliss also reveals herself as an informant, and offers her services to Renoux.  Kliss tells Vin that Elend will be the first casualty in the house war. Vin convinces Kliss to tell all she knows about the attempt on Elend’s life - Elariel assassins will try to kill Elend and two of his friends, and Straff will have reduced the number of guards around the room to make it easier for the assassins. Vin destroys a stained glass window in order to get outside the Keep. Once outside, she makes her way to Elend’s room and fights off the assassins: two Thugs, two Coinshots, and two Mistborn, one of whom is Shan Elariel. Vin manages to stop the assassination attempt, and while fighting Shan, Vin manages to trick Shan (by extinguishing her atium early) and kill her. Mistborn Spoilers is a weekly book-club, and you can join the conversations that make this podcast on Discord Please remember, Seth and Patrick are two nerds in a basement who would rather be creating podcast content full time, than working our 9-5s. You can help us create the content you love, become full time podcast creators, and make our dreams come true by donating on Patreon