Byron Prior has spent his lifetime trying to get someone, ANYONE to seriously look into the charges of abuse he and his siblings endured over the course of their childhood. The eldest of 12 siblings, he and his brothers and sisters were relentlessly sexually, physically and emotionally assualted by their own mother and her high profile friends. In a town of 2500 in Grand Banks, NFLD,no one reached out to help these kids..everyone turned a blind eye to what was going on and the perpetraters never felt the sting of justice. No one has ever been charged. One sister had a baby at 11 and two more by the time she was 15, allegedly fathered says Prior, by T. Alex Hickman, Justice Minister, 1966 to 1979 also Health Minister 1968 to 1969 and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland 1979 to 2000. Doesn't it seem strange that NO ONE would investigate or lay charges? Despite NUMEROUS complaints by the children no one ever intervened to stop the abuse.WHY has justice not been served? According to Prior.."because Hickman "owned the town and could do whatever he wanted to.What does he want? A DNA TEST from HIckman to prove that his niece is Hickmans daughter..Don't miss the compelling real life drama..