Episode Summary. No Christian couple walks down the wedding aisle planning for their love relationship to fracture. But nearly 50% of Christian marriages do. A careful examination of what divorcees say was missing in their marriages reveals time and again that what was lost was the closeness that we call “intimacy.” This episode examines how our sinful natures fracture the intimacy in marriage, and what to do about it.

For Further Prayerful Thought. 

 How does God’s creation design of male and female differently seem to explain why husbands and wives have such different intimacy needs? When you think about a woman’s nurturing role, why does it make sense for God to make the male body so that the buildup of semen drives him into his wife’s arms where emotional needs he doesn’t even know he has are met? If you are married, what is the hardest part of meeting your wife’s need for emotional intimacy?Why does it make sense that listening well enough to my wife so that she wants to share her heart with me, makes her feel cherished?

Resources Used In the Podcast

Intimacy: God’s Design for Marriage--Three Conversational Dates to Rediscover Intimacy in Your Marriage, by Gary and Sandy Yagel (see the second page of our resources in our bookstore www.forgingbonds.org.)

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