Episode Summary: Both Solomon, and later the author of the book of Hebrews appeal to the obvious creation principle that they assume everyone knew in their era, loving fathers don’t allow their children to persist in selfish, wrong behavior; they discipline their children out of love for them. In our own day, a weird time in history when cultural voices are denying what every other culture in history has affirmed—that there are differences between fathers and mothers—it seems necessary examine this creation principle of fatherhood. It is also important because, today, so much child-rearing advice is rooted in a fear of stifling a child or harming his self-esteem instead of recognizing that by nature a child wants to be the center of the universe--dad giving him what he wants when he wants it, and the rest of the world catering to his wants and demands. This episode examines how fathers must protect their child from the child’s worst enemy, the main person who can ruin his life—HIMSELF, because he comes into this world with self-centered, sinful nature

For Further Prayerful Thought

How would you answer a husband who said, “My wife is so much better with the kids, I leave the discipline of the children to her?”How would you explain to someone that loving a child requires disciplining them but that letting them go their own ways is a form of hatred for them? Which of the 6 reasons parents don’t discipline their kids as well as they should stands out to you? Which of the 6 principles from Hebrews 12 for administering discipline that is like God’s discipline of us stood out most to you? Why do you think that is important?

Feedback to the Host: Pease feel free to contact me at [email protected] with push back, questions about resources, other resources or additional ideas about how to help Christ’s men better be equipped for their mission.

This Week’s Past Episode Highlight:  Becoming Great Dads Who Discipline Their Kids Well

Fatherhood Is Irreplaceable in God’s Design of Humans S1 E #32 6/14/20Responding to the Argument that the Bible Teaches Patriarchy S1 E #33 6/21/20The Right Use of Authority to Punish Evil S1 E #34 6/28/20Kids Don’t Have It In them to Grow THEMSELVES Up S1 E #35 7/5/20Raising Kids Up in the Way They Should Go S1 E #36 7/12/20

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