Episode Summary: God created Adam with a heart that wants to accomplish a mission that matters. This episode takes a careful look at what this mission is and how it relates to our everyday motivation for living. We then consider some concrete questions you can use to better focus on the mission Christ has assigned you to accomplish in your everyday life.  

For Further Prayerful Thought

How would you support the idea that men are made to impact the world around them through the Biblical texts of Gen 1:28, 2:15, Matt 6:9-10, 6:33?In your everyday experience what are some examples of typical masculine behavior that support the idea that men are created to accept the challenge of overcoming obstacles to achieve a goal?What would you say is the difference between success and significance?Why do you think many men don’t understand that their calling to the workplace is just as holy as the call to ministry?Why do you think so many Christian men fail to see that seeking to spread Christ’s kingdom of righteousness over earth is the renewal of Adam’s call to spread the kingdom of righteousness over the earth, as the potential of God’s creation is developed? 

Feedback to the Host: Pease feel free to contact me at [email protected] with push back, questions about resources, other resources or additional ideas about how to help Christ’s men better be equipped for their mission.

This Week’s Past Series Highlight:  

Surrounding Our Loved Ones with the Belt of Truth

Kids and the SCIENCE DISPROVES GOD Argument S1 E #48 10/4/20Answering HOW COULD A GOOD GOD ALLOW SUFFERING? S1 E#49 10/11/20Answering THERE CAN’T BE JUST ONE TRUE RELIGION S1 E #50 10/18/20Answering YOU CAN’T TAKE THE BIBLE LITERALLY S1 E #51 10/25/20Shaping Culture In a World That Jesus Said Hates You S1 E #52 11/1/20

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