The launch of X7 Finance is an amazing story you have to hear to believe, but the potential power of this protocol makes it even more important to learn about. We covered it all in detail in this episode of DeFi Lunch.

The devs are mysterious and unknown.
All communications have happened on chain.
A community formed around the intriguing launch of a new token, with no solid idea of what it was all about. 
When the community finally learned what was being built, intrigue turned to involvement and a dedicated community grew together and took ownership.

The story doesn't end there, though, because the protocol itself is an innovative concept that could reshape how projects get launched. 

Undercollateralized loans for liquidity solves one of the biggest problems for startup projects in DeFi and could change how liquidity happens for mature projects too.  
An exchange that could quickly take a big bite of market share if the community can make the biz dev fly.  
A gamified system that protects lenders, rewards them handsomely, and provides amazing value to the community.
Radically decentralized from the beginning in terms of smart contracts
An innovative approach to governance and community decentralization that makes more sense than anything we've seen.
A well-thought-out and pre-planned launch sequence, testing every aspect of the system over time

There is so much more to this, and the passion of the community is evident throughout. 

Video Version is here:

Today we interviewed two of the community leaders for X7 Finance a protocol we see having tremendous potential in DeFi for bootstrapping liquidity for new projects, becoming a massive exchange competing with some of the biggest in the space, and driving radical decentralization to a new level.

Rob The Bank (@robthebank4) and  cryptod0c(@cryptod0c_) did a great job representing the community and the devs. 

X7 Finance Twitter:

X7 Finance Website:

X7 Finance Telegram:

Joe Cawley and Brad Nickel cover the DeFi news of the day, new opportunities in the space including liquidity pools, yield farming, staking, and much more.    

This is not financial advice. Nothing said on the show should be considered financial advice. This is just the opinions of Brad Nickel, Joe Cawley, and our guests. None of us are financial advisors. Trading, participating, yield farming, liquidity pools, and all of DeFi and crypto is high risk and dangerous. If you decide to participate, do your own research. Never count on the research of others. We don't know what we are talking about and you can lose all your money. Never invest more than you can afford to lose, because you probably will lose it all.


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