Jonny Morrison preaches from Luke 19.

We are currently in our series entitled, Exclusion & Embrace, which focuses on stories of Jesus
with people. We spend a lot of time talking about the theology of Jesus or the doctrines of
Jesus but in his time with people we see a lived theology of presence that shapes our vision for
who God is and what it means to be his people.

This week we looked at the, flannel graph favorite, story of Zacchaeus. Interestingly only Luke
records the story of Zacchaeus. It’s especially interesting that Luke includes this story when
you look at the stories coming directly after: Parable of the Ten Minas, Triumphal Entry, and the
Cleansing of the Temple. At first glance it feels like Zacchaeus is a strange little tag along but,
what if Zacchaeus’ story is actually key to understanding what comes next? And not just to
understanding the narrative of Luke but to understanding the work of Jesus?

The story of Zacchaeus isn’t an isolated incident or a fun but inconsequential addition. No, the
story of Zacchaeus is essential to chapter 19. The parable of the Ten Minas doesn’t make
sense outside of Zacchaeus story––they are essentially connected pairs. But that’s also true of
the cleaning of the temple. Jesus condemn the temple for not doing what Zacchaeus does.
Jesus is rejected from his rightful home (temple) but welcomed into Zacchaeus’ home. But,
that’s what happens when we follow Jesus and live out his way, we become living a temple.