Katie welcomes Indigenous soul singer Emma Donovan to the show for a chat about her forthcoming new album with Melbourne band The Putbacks; the influence of Ruby Hunter, Christine Anu and Tiddas; and the current […]


The post Emma Donovan – Show #169 (part 2), 20 September 2020 appeared first on Miss Chatelaine.

Katie welcomes Indigenous soul singer Emma Donovan to the show for a chat about her forthcoming new album with Melbourne band The Putbacks; the influence of Ruby Hunter, Christine Anu and Tiddas; and the current wealth of Aboriginal women musicians. As well as Emma and her music, there are great new songs by other Australian artists, including Miss Chat favourites Alex the Astronaut and Michael Waugh. Here is the playlist:

Caught in the Middle – Alex the Astronaut
Be There – Michael Waugh
Pink Skirt – Emma Donovan & The Putbacks
Dawn – Emma Donovan & The Putbacks
In the Delta – Stevie & The Sleepers
Saved – Myllo
Centrelink – Thibault
Waiting to Happen – Eastbound Buzz

Visit Emma Donovan’s official website and follow her on Facebook and Instagram.

Above: Photo of Emma Donovan by Michelle Grace Hunder

The post Emma Donovan – Show #169 (part 2), 20 September 2020 appeared first on Miss Chatelaine.