Fill up your beer jars and join the club as we discuss the latest research on alcohol. In part 1 of this two-part series, Tom is bringing songs, accents, and x-mas disapproval, as well as a study on the effect of booze on sperm. Amielle discusses how shutting off a stress-related molecule can change drinking behavior. Guaranteed to be high proof, 21+ science comedy.

Fill up your beer jars and join the club as we discuss the latest research on alcohol. In part 1 of this two-part series, Tom is bringing songs, accents, and x-mas disapproval, as well as a study on the effect of booze on sperm. Amielle discusses how shutting off a stress-related molecule can change drinking behavior. Guaranteed to be high proof, 21+ science comedy.


Notable News: Alterations in sperm RNAs persist after alcohol cessation and correlate with epididymal mitochondrial dysfunction- Roach, Golding et al. (2023)
Notable News: Preconception paternal ethanol exposures induce alcohol-related craniofacial growth deficiencies in fetal offspring- Thomas et al. (2023)
Featured Paper: Pituitary Adenylate Cyclase-Activating Polypeptide (PACAP) of the Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis Mediates Heavy Alcohol Drinking in Mice- Lepeak et al. (2023)
PACAP Quotes: EurekAlert!
Alcohol Background:

Cellular and molecular neuroscience of alcoholism- Diamond & Gordon (1997)
The role of GABAA receptors in mediating the effects of alcohol in the central nervous system- Davies (2003)
Drunk- Slingerland (2021)
Mechanism of alcohol-induced oxidative stress and neuronal injury- Haorah et al. (2008)

Intro Song: Adaptation of Cherry Bomb by The Run Aways, lyrics by Amielle Moreno, vocals by Leah Krevitts and Amielle Moreno
Featured Paper Song: Oh Come On by The Julie Ruin, released by Dischord Records
Closing Song: Rye Whiskey by Punch Brothers, produced by Jon Brion.

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Amielle: @CurlsPhD and @TroubleheliXX
Leah: @HoxInSocks

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