Alzheimer’s disease and innate immunity are both hefty topics; we try to make them “click” as we introduce our new friend, Iffy Tim 3 (Hur et al., 2020). Also COVID. (Stay the F#@$ home this Thanksgiving!)

Alzheimer’s disease and innate immunity are both hefty topics; we try to make them “click” as we introduce our new friend, Iffy Tim 3 (Hur et al., 2020). Also COVID. (Stay the F#@$ home this Thanksgiving!)


Inscopix DECODE summit!We’re on Facebook now!Waterman and Mai (2020): Eavesdropping of an African ground squirrel on the heterospecific alarm calls of a noisy ground‐nesting birdJefsen et al. (2020): Transcriptional regulation in the rat prefrontal cortex and hippocampus after a single administration of psilocybinLehoczki et al. (2020): Cross-species effect of separation calls: family dogs’ reactions to pup, baby, kitten and artificial soundsCheck out the Yueming Li Lab that published the featured article! Crump et al. (2012): Development of clickable active site-directed photoaffinity probes for γ-secretaseDr. Berger’s #HistoricOverlyHonestMethods!More #HistoricOverlyHonestMethods!

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