Short and painfully sweet, this Journal Club we’re phoning it in with some noteworthy non-news. But, while low in minutes, the topics couldn’t be spicier. We bring you the connection between gingivitis and mental health and explore the top-down processing that makes “it hurt so good.” We discuss research on the brains of masochists when they experience pain. Also, ‘sup mushroom!

Short and painfully sweet, this Journal Club we’re phoning it in with some noteworthy non-news. But, while low in minutes, the topics couldn’t be spicier. We bring you the connection between gingivitis and mental health and explore the top-down processing that makes “it hurt so good.” We discuss research on the brains of masochists when they experience pain. Also, ‘sup mushroom!


Burden of chronic diseases associated with periodontal diseases: a retrospective cohort study using UK primary care data (Zemedikun, D. T. et al., 2021)Gum Disease Increases Risk of Other Illness Such as Mental Health and Heart Conditions. (McKinney, E., 2021)Contextual modulation of pain in masochists: involvement of the parietal operculum and insula (Kamping et al., 2016)Operculum info

Amielle: @CurlsPhD and @TroubleheliXXLeah: @HoxInSocks

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