This episode, Keepers Murph & Bridgett unpack horror gaming with Hunters Entertainment!

Campus Crier

The Campus Crier is where we talk about recent Mythos-related events and happenings in the world. This episode was recorded Thursday, August 24th, 2023.

Our friend Mike Diamond of The Old Ways Podcast is currently accepting submissions for scenarios from Chaosium’s Community Content program for a chance to get the Full Diamond treatment of their works for Call of Cthulhu and Runequest. If chosen you can get a full theatrical episode with music, sound, voice acting, the whole hog. We have a link for the sign-up sheet in the show notes.

Our friend Dean Englehart of Cthulhu Reborn fame has just released H.P. Lovecraft’s Book of Yog-Sothothery in pdf with POD coming later in the year. 

“This book is a resource that seeks to pare away the later inventions and present the purely Lovecraft inventions, compiled with game statistics that make it easy to drop them into roleplaying scenarios, campaigns, and game settings. HPL's many Unnatural Entities, Weird Rituals, Cults, Artifacts, Tomes, and Places in this book can be considered a kind of “grab bag” of elements you can use to infuse any game world with a Lovecraftian flavor.”

Patreon Plug & Update

We have a Patreon! To back us you can click the button on the sidebar of our website, or head over to Patreon directly at!

The Discord Plug

We have our MUP Discord and we are all there! We invite all of our listeners to come and enjoy the community of horror gaming and cute pet pics. Link in the show notes: MU Discord server invite link: 

And thank you to our editor Moe for editing this episode. Thanks Moe! 

Bridgett’s Pet Pick Shout Out

HelloSpaceBoy, Laszlo from Strangers From Nowhere, was kind enough to show off his little birthday girl, Mazikeen! She turned 20 years young on August 19th! Congratulations Mazikeen and Lazslo! You can also follow Laszlo’s Kickstarter for Pod People which should be wrapping up right after this episode drops. Murph backed it!

Mazikeen turned 20 today! (8/19) 

Main Topic -- 

Unpacking Horror Gaming with Hunters Entertainment. 

Influences, favorites, genres, tabletop translations, GM tricks and tips, and whatnot.





The ABCs of D&D

The 123s of D&D