This episode, Keepers Murph & Dave hangout without Bridgett as part of our final summer vacation shows.

Patreon Plug & Update

We have a Patreon! To back us you can click the button on the sidebar of our website, or head over to Patreon directly at!

Speaking of backers, we have one new backer to thank!

Casey J Rudkin

The Discord Plug

We have our MUP Discord and we are all there! We invite all of our listeners to come and enjoy the community of horror gaming and cute pet pics. Link in the show notes: MU Discord server invite link: 

And thank you to our editor Sean for editing this episode. Thanks Sean! 

Bridgett’s Pet Pick Shout Out

Hey guys! It's Bridgett, even though I sound like Dave! He's my voice because I either don't have one, or am too tired to use it. I'm shouting out Thalia, kittuh of friend and fan of the show John Tyler! John is awesome! Ask him about co-running a Regency Cthulhu game with me at Origins! Also, "Yar, Yar, Yar, Nar." He was also in the most hilarious Pirate Borg game of my life. Thanks John for being awesome, and thank you for sharing this gorgeous caramel chocolate brownie with us! 

Let’s move onto the main topic. 

Main Topic --