This Episode Keepers Bridgett, Murph and Dave sit down with friend of the show and fellow podcaster Paul Baldowski to discuss The Dee Sanction and Cthulhu Hack.

Campus Crier

The Campus Crier is where we keep all the mythos related news and info for the podcast, this episode was recorded on May 10, 2021.

Deadline reports that handsome master of flies and chaos theory Jeff Goldblum will be joining the D&D podcast Dark Dice. Why can’t we get him as our fourth host?

Friends of the show Dean Englehart and Jo Kreil’s Apocthulhu book, featuring a great scenario by other friend of the show Chad Bowser, have released Chad’s scenario Amber Waves on Roll20 for a pittance! A pittance I say! $4.99 for the entire scenario, including all the text, background, maps, and pre-gens. Really this is a steal. Fellow gamer Adam has run this a few times and it’s a fantastic world that could easily move beyond just this scenario, and this price is a steal for it. 

Gosh, there was something else that happened in the world of Call of Cthulhu gaming this last week… What was it… oh yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

The Discord Plug

Dave - We have our MUP Discord and we are all there! We invite all of our listeners to come and enjoy the community of Call of Cthulhu and horror gaming fans. 

MU Discord server invite link: 

And thank you beaucoup to Murph for editing this episode.

Patreon Plug

We have a Patreon! To back us you can click the button on the sidebar of our website, or head over to Patreon directly at!

Thank you backers! We have three new Backers we need to mention!

I am Tigers - which is possibly the best Patreon handle everDj Shadow PenguinKeeper Doc

And you can also help out the show by buying some merch from our Teepublic store! 

Thanks so much for backing the show!!

Main Topic

Interview with Paul Baldowski, author of The Dee Sanction and The Cthulhu Hack