Jim helps out his tailor, who has unwittingly become involved in a murder mystery. Featuring the voice talents of: RUSSELL GOLD as Jim Nolan, JOYCE BENDER as Gladys Nolan KATIE DEHNART as the Narrator TRACY HALL as Trudy Williams BRIAN BEDARD as Lt. Carmichael And a very SPECIAL THANKS to the talented voices of: Garry Cobbum as Antonio Pinneli, Mike Murphy as Mr. Fergus, April Sadowski as Betsy Kelly, and Greg Wilkinson as Gavin Bishop Written by: Mike Murphy Directed By: Capt. John Tadrzak Asst. Director: Mike Murphy Post Production: James Smagata Edited by: Arlene Osborne Sound effects: Jim Murphy Music Credits: Vivian DoskowMusic for the series was composed and performed by Vivian Doskow. Please hear more of her wonderful music at http://www.myspace.com/viviandoskowJim Nolan, Private Eye was created by Mike Murphy and Arlene Osborne.Rating:Young Adults 13+Copyright Misfistaudio.com 2009