Crime hits home when an armed ex-con breaks into Nolan Investigations. Jim Nolan, Private Eye was created by Mike Murphy and Arlene Osborne. Starring our regular cast: RUSSELL GOLD as Jim Nolan, BRIAN BEDARD as Lt. Walter Carmichael, and KATIE DEHNART as the Narrator. Guest starring in this episode: KIM GIANOPOULOS as Helen Bagley, PAUL LAVELLE as Sgt. McManus, JON SPECHT as Henry Tomlinson, D. T. KELLY as Frankie, and SCOTT FORTNEY as Dr. Nordberg. “The Situation” was written by Mike Murphy. The Jim Nolan, Private Eye theme was composed and performed by Vivian Doskow. Please hear more of her wonderful music at Producer: Capt. John Tadrzak Assistant Producer: Mike Murphy Mixer: Jon Specht Script Editor: Arlene Osborne Webmaster: April Sadowski Thanks to Capt. John Tadrzak for airing this show. Mike Murphy gratefully acknowledges the continued help of Arlene Osborne. All the characters portrayed in this story are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This production is for enjoyment purposes only. This is an original production by Misfits Audio, c 2012.