Beef and Podwar with Nick from Epic Film Guys/ Double standards/ Makeup for men/ crushing on Brad Pitt/ Taking that rejection punishment/ Clownshoes, The god of Salty Tears and Butthurt/ Skull Polish/ using time travel the right way: to grocery shop/ the nasty twist to time travel/ “I am the Grand Cheese of the World”/ Tommy’s someone husband/ an Umbrella Baby/ I’m glad the Internet exists to call people out/ Tommy is reading The War of Art/ Tommy writes from the stage/ When the Internet first came out/ Napster/ a teenage rebel ballad/ Tommy Obey!/ more online dating talk/ Remembering Hot or Not/ Tommy the 6.5/ a midlife crisis on Hot or Not/ Sharkangels/ an online dating message/ “Hello. My name is Marlena and my entire identity is Harry Potter.”/ being defined by your career/ straight talk vs real talk/ Tommy’s Wranglers/ a game of gender chicken/ bend your bills, no flats/ Quality Question: what are women’s white tank tops called?/ hey, Tomb Raider. Hey./ Tacos vs Pizza/ Nintendo issues a statement saying Mario is still a plumber/ it’s sad that Mario still needs a day job/ Mario’s tedious life/ Super Mario Flask/ “your princess is in another castle”/ that slimeball Luigi/ the worst prank callers ever/ a savage Condescending Wonka meme/ Talking about Rampage the game and movie/ Dwayne “The Fraggle Rock” Johnson/ The Movie Pitch/ iKitty/ 9 nines and 3G/ Bored Ben Affleck/ Kurt Russel vs The Blogger/ plugs for the podcasts Underwater Sunshine and Bunny Ears


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