At ease, maggots. This time, Sgt Slaughter becomes our patron saint! He's a real American hero and followed us on twitter, so this eppy is dedicated to him.

Plus, Eve 6 puts our tender heart in a blender with their endlessly fascinating Twitter account.


Welcome to the Miserable Retail Slave Show!

Watch your words/ my jaw hurts/ supple/ Epiphany/ Vaping/ Joe Camel weeps/ living embodiments of our own vices/ why do people want us to try foods that they don’t like?/ A Christmas Story and sticking your tongue to a pole/ an original Harley/ Grandpa would punch tornadoes in the face/ losing your edge/ the one armed man with road rage/ Tommy gets punched in the face/ Humble in a Different Way/ Sgt Slaughter Fancast/ Sgt Slaughter is the new patron Saint of MRS/ wanting a Sgt Slaughter GI Joe/ Cobra Clutch and a Sgt Slaughter and the Camoflauge album/ Tommy fell asleep at a Neil Diamond concert/ Slotter the otter/ singing the tweets of Eve 6

Call The Miserable Hotline!!! (810) 328-3826

Check out our new comedy and movie podcast. We look at b-movies and forgotten cinematic treasures…check out Someone’s Favorite Movie!

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Intro: “Hard Times” by Dan “D-Boy” Amboy
Check out his music:

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Meet the voices behind all of the idiocy.
Randy juggles two jobs and is the miserable retail slave of the two. He lives outside beautiful Flint, MI, USA and struggles with being a lazy, yet overworked dreamer and a struggling, but barely trying writer.

Tommy also lives outside Flint, MI with The Beloved and his two step daughters. He's a stand up comedian and a man of questionable common sense. Check out his stand up dates and plan a trip to throw tomatoes at


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