Many people working on the Law of Attraction find they enjoy an initial, almost giddy success with the technique. But after a while, they begin to lose momentum. The great attractive force seems to have abandoned them. Why did this happen? Was it just beginner's luck? Did we do something wrong? Are we being "punished" somehow?

It's none of these things. Tune in tonight for a discussion of why you might find yourself encountering hurdles along the way toward what you thought was a magnificent future. And even better--how to get back on track!

Tonight we'll look into why the Law of Attraction is so frequently misunderstood, especially by "gurus" who profess to teach it.

Reverend Jon Saint Germain, pastor of Divine Harmony Spiritual Church in Knoxville, Tennessee, is the Voice of the Crystal Silence League and author of CRYSTAL MAGIC: DIVINATION, HEALING AND SPELLCRAFT WITH GEMS AND MINERALS, providing Spiritual guidance on the practical use of crystals and crystal balls in the development of mental concentration and mind power, silent influence over others, divination and scrying of the future, and telepathic contact with people and spirits.

Call in to speak with the host (657) 383-0525

Tonight's Crystal isTiger Iron.