Previous Episode: ghost month 2006
Next Episode: i'm back from the dead

the food down here in the dirty South (i'm talking about Tainan County, kids) is good and all, but there's nothing exceptional. there's plenty to eat, but the choices are extremely limited.

sooner or later the noodle houses start blending into one another and you can't really distinguish one from the other.

the only good burger place around here is Mos Burger, and even that's a fast food chain. grrr..

anyway i just found this post by a guy living in Taipei that echoes my thoughts to the last detail. the thing is he posted all these photos of incredibly yummy looking burgers. so now i'm hungry and dizzy and jealous.

anyway it's 12:12 p.m. noontime. so i'm off to search for the meal that will trump all other meals. or maybe i'll just have some instant noodles. or not. i don't want to die a slow and painful death.